Michèle Le Quesne Newton
Passionate About Food
Passionate About Food
The Four Seasons Cookery Academy operates under the experienced guidance of Michele Newton who is an experienced restaurateur and outside caterer as well as a trained chef assessor/trainer, cookery writer and nutritionist.
Specialising in weaning; fussy eaters; special diets and as a professional member of Diabetes UK, Michele gives talks for groups of people with diabetes as well as delivering 'hands-on' cookery demonstrations.
We have had many articles published this year in various publications including
All About Health (Tasty ways to beat the bugs);
Essentials (Festive feasting made easy)
Reveal (Health and self);
My Weekly (Slow pot cookery appeal) and on-going articles on the Mothers who Work website which has covered weaning; fussy eaters; children with diabetes; traditional weaning vs baby-led and healthy snacks/ packed lunches.
Our Academy is passionate about our unrivaled level of service and pride ourselves on customer care across every strand of what we offer.
All recipes used by the various groups are hand-written by Michele.
As an accredited trainer, and centre, for the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Four Seasons Cookery Academy is qualified to teach food safety, healthy eating and balanced diets.
It is a legal requirement for all people who handle food to undertake training in Food Safety.
As a trained Chef, Michele endorses this and it is both a passion and vocation, of hers, to teach this subject in a friendly; informative and professional manner.